Alicia Escott

Instagram: Alicia_Escott


Statement: Alicia Escott is an interdisciplinary artist based in the land we currently call San Francisco, she practices in solidarity with thinkers across fields undoing the colonial construct of “nature” as a thing separated from us and our world. Escott work is informed by how we each negotiate our day-to-day realities amid an awareness of the overarching specter of climate-chaos, mass-extinction— and the social unrest this rapid change and unprocessed grief produces. Her work makes space for the unspoken individual and collective experiences of loss, heartbreak and grief. they approach these issues with an interstitial practice encompassing: writing, drawing, word-making, painting, photography, video, sculpture, social-practice, composting, seed-planting, and activism. Alicia’s work has been shown in over 100 art-institutions, galleries, and alternative spaces— including exhibitions at: Berkeley Arts Center, the Headlands Center for the Arts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, The San Francisco Maritime Museum, The Berkley Art Museum, and Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbra. A founding member of the collective 100 Days Action and half of the Social Practice Project The Bureau of Linguistical Reality, Escott’s work has been featured in The BBC, Smithsonian Magazine, The Economist, The New Yorker, MOMUS, The San Francisco Chronicle, KQED, and many others.