Blooming Hallucination: Technology as Nature

Curated by Miguel Novelo

Opening May 4, 2024 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Closing June 1, 2024 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Hallucination: “Gustav Metzger” once challenged, 'Art must be at the cutting edge of technology, but in reverse. Art should question the presence of technology in our lives and its invisible but profound impact on our behavior and ethics.

"Blooming Hallucination: Technology as Nature" challenges the traditional narrative that views technology as a dominating force, separate and superior to the natural world. This show presents a different perspective, positioning technology as a part of nature, not an alien imposition.

"Blooming Hallucination" prompts a critical reassessment of technology's role. Rather than celebrating technological tools as solutions, it explores how these tools can be reimagined to coexist, develop narrative, and delve into our understanding of what is natural.

Artists from diverse backgrounds, including New York, Los Angeles, New Mexico, the Yucatán Peninsula, Portland, California, Toronto, the Bay Area, Hawaii, and the Ural region, bring this concept to life using new media and engaging with environmental, cosmic, animal, cybernetic, and post-human themes. Their works encourage a reflection on our relationship with technology in relationship with nature, emphasizing the need for thoughtful integration rather than unchecked advancement.

This exhibition invites viewers to reconsider the role of technology, seeing it not as the pinnacle of human achievement but as one element in a broader ecological conversation. It advocates for a future where progress is measured by our ability to sustainably integrate with the natural world.

Adelaide Theriault

mus domesticus


Medium: Multidirectional audio, surface transducers, contact microphone, walls, mus domesticus

Dimensions: N/A

Price: NFS

Arina Pozdnyak

Blooming Hallucination


Medium: poster / video / installation

Dimensions: 18"x24" (poster) / 21"x27"x7" (installation)

Price: $5.0 each poster only

Curtis Reid Henderson

Texture Studies #1, #2, and #3

2021- 2021

Medium: OSB, Cellulose Bioplastic, LED

Dimensions: 7"x7"x4"

Price: $350.0 Each

Gail Wight

Blue Lunar Eclipse

2024- 2024

Medium: video projection

Dimensions: ~36"diameter circle

Price: Upon request

Jillian Crochet

Moss Slowly Grows


Medium: articulating pressure mat, metal bed frame, faux fur

Dimensions: 36" x 24" x 84"

Price: $5000.0

Jillian Crochet

intersecting oscillations


Medium: video

Dimensions: 1m loop

Price: $2000.0

Kal Spelletich

The Burnell Galactic Positioning System

2021- 2024

Medium: Motor, mirrors, light sensors, power supply, speaker, sub woofer.

Dimensions: 16"x19"x46"

Price: $3000.0

Kelley O'Leary

The Distance of the Moon


Medium: Basalt, LED light, single channel audio

Dimensions: 3'x3'x12'

Price: Upon request

Laia Bent

Garden of Eden


Medium: installation, sculpture, chemical gardens

Dimensions: 3ft x 3ft x 4ft

Price: NFS

Remina Greenfield

Sheer Receptivity


Medium: LED hologram, digital animation

Dimensions: 169 x 51 x 43 inches

Price: Upon request

Robin Canul

U Noj k'áak'il t'aan (El gran fuego de la palabra)


Medium: Wood sculpture, sound

Dimensions: None

Price: Upon request

Tiare Ribeaux

Kai 海 Hai: PLASTIA

2023- 2024

Medium: Video, 6min, loop; Bioplastics

Dimensions: Bioplastics: 2 x 36" x 28"

Price: Upon request